Yuina Wada

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Yuina Wada (Gifu, Japan 1989) is a Japanese artist who lives and works in Tokyo and has – since her graduation from the Academy of Arts in Japan – dedicated all her time to the development of her unique style of painting. Even before starting her career as an artist Wada has long been fascinated with the iconic Japanese ‘Kawaii’ culture. Kawaii is a prominent aspect of Japanese popular culture and can refer to humans, items or characters that are childlike, charming, endearing and often ‘girlish’. Beneath the ostensible cuteness of Kawaii, however, hides a darker, more eerie element as well: an element of confusion, alienation and loneliness in the chaos of the world, which especially young children can often deeply experience.

All these aspects are fully explored in the work of Wada who creates vibrant and dynamic scenes, often with cute yet mutant young girls and monstrous creatures that form the central figures in her dreamlike or nightmarish world. Wada also takes inspiration from the Japanese Maga and Anime styles and from the world-famous Harajuku-fashion which is known for (mainly) girls dressed in unconventional bright clothing.

Wada is only in her early thirties, but she is well aware of her physical aging, which has only increased her fascination and perhaps longing for the youthfulness, childishness and femininity of the figures that she paints. Her paintings radiate with color and light, emphasized especially using glued-on glimmering stones.

Artist portrait


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